Represent detailed cities in 3D
High-fidelity terrestrial 3D representations of cities are in demand across creative industries, automotive and infrastructure planning.
Create immersive visualization experiences for AR/VR applications, as well as pre-visualizations, video games and simulations. HERE Premier 3D Cities helps you create real-world representations of cities you can customize that are visually compelling and rich in details.
Bring urban 3D visualizations to life
Produce detailed visualizations
Create immersive and highly recognizable 3D representations of cities at street level, including building features (such as volume, height and textures), structures and terrain.
Customize visual solutions
Render your 3D surfaces with dynamic real-time lighting or integrate third-party data to create the right visual solutions for your needs. Add and remove landmarks or cartographic features as you wish.
Visualize at scale
Build accurate 3D representations of 70 cities worldwide, with more to come. Include fully indexed and addressable buildings and structures in your visualizations to indicate points of interest.
Developer benefits

Watch Premier 3D Cities in action
See what you can create with highly detailed visualizations of cities you can customize in 3D with scalable, accurate and global datasets.
Learn more about how the product features of HERE Premier 3D Cities bring detailed urban environments to life.