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Fleet Management 4 min read

Location technology is crucial to fleet sustainability — here's why

A line-up of cars and trucks stuck in traffic on a highway.

Location technology is crucial for reducing fleet emissions and energy costs. Find out how it can cut the environmental impact of transportation and logistics.

When it comes to logistics there's more than just roads to navigate —location technology is vital to create sustainable fleets.

Companies can reduce fuel costs, improve safety and security, increase efficiency in route planning, and save time — all of which are vital in an increasingly competitive sector where the drive toward sustainability and net zero emissions is crucial and the sector is under constant pressure to reduce emissions.

Location technology also enables greater control over driver behavior. The right tools can provide feedback on speed, idle times, route optimization, and other driver metrics. This, in turn, helps reduce fuel consumption by minimizing excessive idling or speeding — two common sources of wasted fuel that contribute to higher emissions levels.

Every gallon of fuel burned while delivering packages creates 19.4 pounds of CO­2. With this in mind and an increasing drive towards environmentally friendly fleets, insights from location technology can reduce miles and optimize route planning, reducing fleet carbon footprints.

Dynamic data from location technology can be used to adjust routes on the fly, allowing operators to maximize efficiency and minimize emissions and helping fleets reduce energy costs, improve customer service with more accurate ETAs, and ultimately work toward net-zero carbon emissions. Arguably, location technology is an invaluable tool for any fleet striving to become greener and more sustainable.

It also allows businesses to collect and analyze data from the field for better decision-making. With its ability to track vehicles in real-time, it can help fleet managers identify areas of improvement in terms of driver behavior and vehicle maintenance — all of which contribute to gains in reducing emissions.

The science of compliance

Location technology also plays an important role in helping companies stay compliant with local regulations. As climate change continues to be a pressing issue, more and more cities are introducing laws restricting the use of certain types of vehicles in certain areas or during peak hours. By using location technology, fleets can quickly and easily determine which vehicles can go where at different times, helping them avoid costly fines or other penalties while maximizing route efficiency. This can contribute to making the right decision about swapping vehicles in a fleet for more environmentally-friendly options, such as electric vehicles.

As global temperatures continue to rise due to climate change, sustainable transportation solutions are becoming ever more important. Companies must take action if they want to stay competitive when consumers are increasingly concerned about the effects of what they buy. By harnessing the power of location technology, enterprises can make their fleets more efficient and reduce their environmental impact. In turn, this will help them stand out against rivals while also doing their part for the environment.

By tracking data from vehicles and drivers, companies can gain valuable insight into their operations and make adjustments as needed to reduce emissions and stay compliant with local regulations.

The importance of location technology to fleet sustainability cannot be overstated. It provides companies with a range of benefits that enhance efficiency while reducing costs and — vitally — harmful emissions. As such, it is essential that businesses incorporate this technology into their operations to remain competitive and sustainable in the future as they move towards net zero aims and objectives.


Clare O'Reilly, Contributor, HERE360

Clare O'Reilly


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