January 2025 Platform Release Notes

Deprecation of HERE Map Tile API v2 and HERE Map Image API v1
As previously announced, the HERE Map Tile API v2 and the HERE Map Image API v1 have reached their end-of-life and are being deprecated. Decommissioning will occur in Q1 2025, and the services may be discontinued at any time during this period.
HERE recommends migrating to HERE Raster Tile API v3 and HERE Map Image API v3, as service disruption may occur when using deprecated services.
HERE Map Rendering Services
HERE Vector Tile API v2.3.32-2.3.34
- Added a unique pds_id place identifier property to the POIs in the advanced_pois layer. The value is in the domain:system:type:id format, such as in here:cm:place:1a2b3c4d5e. You can use pds_id values to fetch additional place details from the search service.
HERE Raster Tile API v3.0.41-3.0.43 and HERE Map Image API v3.0.21-3.0.23
- Improved display density of truck restrictions when there are multiple truck restrictions on a road segment.
HERE SDK for iOS, Android and Flutter is a major release for the 4.21 code line that provides many bug fixes and improvements based on customer feedback, along with the following new features:
- Removed the beta tag from SDKOptions.authenticationMode as the API is now stable.
- Search updates:
- Added attribute id to EVChargingPool , which represents a HERE ID of a charging pool.
- Added attributes to EVSE:
- cpoId: Represents the unique ID of an EVSE in the system of the CPO
- cpoEvseEmi3Id: Represents identifier in Emi3 format of the EVSE within the Charge Point Operator (CPO) platform
- status: Represents the status of the EVSE, such as AVAILABLE , OCCUPIED, and so on.
- lastUpdated: Represents the last update time of the dynamic connector availability information
- connectors: Represents the list of connectors of the EVSE.
- A dataPath field was added to SDKOptions which allows the HERE SDK to store data for internal use. Such data includes offline search indices, positioning content, and usage data information. For more information, see the API Reference documentation.
- Routing: Added Waypoint.chargingStop, which allows a waypoint to be designated as a charging stop.
For more information, see the changelog for your HERE SDK edition and platform.
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