March Release Highlights Including Finding Wineries and Avoiding Sharp Turns

All services receive map content updates frequently but we will call out a few noteworthy highlights in March 2019 related to the following services: Routing API and Mobile SDKs.
There were other minor updates and fixes across many other services as well which were related to regular maintenance releases. View the API Version History for specific monthly updates including change log and release notes for all of the APIs.
Also be sure to check out the Top Feature Enhancements Driven by HERE XYZ Beta Participants.
Routing APIProvide precise instructions to a destination using various transport modes (e.g., car, truck, public transit, bicycle) and leveraging different algorithms (e.g., matrix, isoline routing). Learn more…
Version 7.2.102
- We have improved routing behavior when parameter “avoidTurns=difficult” is used to also avoid difficult sharp turns (in addition to earlier released avoidance of complex U-turns on multi-digitized roads)
Here's an example scenario for a path to avoid a sharp turn by taking the traffic circle, rotary, rotunda, or island.
Full-featured, native apps with our mapping platform. Learn more…
Map Updates
- Added support for more detailed information of the long truck available turns. This feature will give possibility to take into account long truck specific turns and restrictions information while creating a Long truck specific route.
- Improved definition for Inconvenient maneuver that includes angle between the roads. Improved definition for Inconvenient maneuvers with time restrictions.
- Inclusion of basic Scouter routing attributes for routing use cases.
- Fixed issue when some Bahrain “Blocks” cities shown on the map on high scale (20KM)
- Added support of POIs of “Winery” category
- Fixed issue with EV charging station POIs duplication
- Updated EarthCore Buildings and Landmarks
Here's an example of creating a category filter for a winery.
NSArray* categories = [[NMAPlaces sharedPlaces] topLevelCategories];
for (id category in categories)
if (category.uniqueId == "winery" )
NMACategory* restCategory = category;
NMAGeoCoordinates* murphys = [[NMAGeoCoordinates alloc]
NMACategoryFilter *categoryFilter = [NMACategoryFilter new];
[categoryFilter addCategoryFilterFromUniqueId:restCategory.uniqueId];
NMADiscoveryRequest* request = [ [NMAPlaces sharedPlaces]
createHereRequestWithLocation:murphys filters:categoryFilter];
This category was already available through our Places REST API, but now it's also available on mobile including while navigating offline.
Full-featured, native apps on iOS with our mapping platform. Learn more…
Premium Edition Version 3.10.1
- Introduced the “fast” speed profile for trucks
- Enabled Turn by Turn guidance for bike routes
- Implemented possibility to set/get course for all waypoints on the route
- Added error reporting when re-routing fails
- Added possibility to customize stopover reached callback
- Added feature to retrieve distance on route
- Added feature to specify wait time for each waypoint
- Added possibility to retrieve TTA for specific subleg
- AutoSuggests feature supports offline mode
- Added API to retieve remaining distance during guidance
- Added possibility to customize upcoming part of the route
- Added ability to configure cache size (256MB - 2GB)
- Implemented maneuver restrictions on motorcycle turn cost tables
- Fixed positioning latency issue
- Improved MapLoader stability
- Added support for new iPads Pro
- Added possibility to retieve route element by duration
- Enhanced difficult turns avoidance for trucks by excluding sharp turns from a route
- Enhanced routing options to exclude specified routing zones (such as environmental zones) from the calculated route as a Beta feature.
- Implemented avoidance of odd/even and time dependent environmental zones
HERE Android SDK
Full-featured, native apps on Android with our mapping platform. Learn more…
Premium Edition Version 3.10.1
- Introduced the “fast” speed profile for trucks
- Enabled Turn by Turn guidance for bike routes
- Implemented possibility to set/get course for all waypoints on the route
- Added error reporting when re-routing fails
- Added possibility to customize stopover reached callback
- Added feature to retrieve distance on route
- Added feature to specify wait time for each waypoint
- Added possibility to retrieve TTA for specific subleg
- Autosuggest is now supported for offline mode
- Added feature to retrieve remaining distance during guidance
- Added possibility to customize upcoming part of the route
- Added ability to configure cache size (256MB – 2GB)
- Implemented maneuver restrictions on motorcycle turn cost tables
- Fixed positioning latency issue
- According to changes in Android API 28 with deprecation of corresponding Mobile SDK API is marked as deprecated and new API introduced instead. For more information see official Android documentation.
- Improved map representation in Mercator Projection
- Simplified creation of MapMarker objects
- Enhanced difficult turns avoidance for trucks by excluding sharp turns from a route
- Implemented avoidance of odd/even and time dependent environmental zones
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