August 2020 Release Notes
Welcome to the latest release notes for the HERE Location Services.
These releases include updates of: Routing API, Fleet Telematics API and HERE SDK for Android, iOS and Flutter.
For more detailed information about the major improvements of the HERE Location Services, see the sections below.
You will find all API documentation and release notes on the Developer Portal
For some of our new Location Services made available on Platform, we have changed the Transaction definitions in your current contract with HERE. This will impact all existing Location Services customers that have a contract with a license term based on Transactions such as Location Mapping when they start using Location Services on Platform.
By continuing to use the Location Services on Platform, you accept the new terms.
The changes are the following:
Category |
Feature |
Definition |
Previous |
Geocoder Autocomplete or Places Autosuggest |
No Charge |
New |
Geocoding and Search Autosuggest or Autocomplete |
One Transaction is counted for every 10 Requests |
Previous |
Intermodal Park and Ride |
One Transaction is counted for each returned alternative Intermodal Route(s) set by the Customer for the intermodal max parameter in the API request. If the system determines that there are no available Park and Ride routes, the Request is still counted as one Transaction |
New |
Intermodal Park and Ride |
One Transaction is counted for each returned alternative Intermodal Route(s) set by the Customer for the intermodal alternative’ parameter in the API request. If the system determines that there are no available Park and Ride routes, the Request is still counted as one Transaction |
New |
Vector Tiles |
One Transaction is counted for every 5 Requests |
Previous |
Isoline Routing |
One Transaction means one Request |
New |
Isoline Routing |
One Transaction equals each individual Isoline within an Isoline Request |
Large Scale Matrix Routing and Matrix Routing included in Routing API will be merged into Matrix Routing API V8 |
Previous |
Large Scale Matrix Routing |
One Transaction is counted for every 20 Elements in a Large-scale Matrix Routing API Request. The number of Elements equals the number of start points times the number of destination points. Large-Scale Matrix Routing Requests generating less than 100,000 individual elements are always counted as 5,000 Transactions |
New |
Matrix Routing V8 |
• Small matrices, where either the number of Starting Points or number of Destination Points is Limited to 15x100 size and 100x1 are calculated by multiplying the number of Starting Points by the number of Destination Points |
Previous |
Matrix Routing |
One Transaction is counted for each start point Request |
New |
Matrix Routing V8 |
• Small matrices, where either the number of Starting Points or number of Destination Points is Limited to 15x100 size and 100x1 are calculated by multiplying the number of Starting Points by the number of Destination Points |
HERE Location Services on Platform
Routing (Versions 8.7.0 - 8.8.0)
- Added truck[type] and truck[trailerCount] parameters.
- Added new notice code violatedTimeDependentRestriction
- Introducing bicycle routing mode
HERE SDK for Android and iOS Lite Edition (Version
- Certain areas can now be excluded from route calculation with AvoidanceOptions that contain an avoidAreas list holding GeoBox items which routes should not cross.
- Added optional Suggestion.getHref() to get a direct link to discover more details. It is available when the suggestion result type is category or chain.
- Added RoadFeatures.DIFFICULT_TURNS enum value. Note that it is valid only for truck transport mode.
- Added a new GeoCorridor constructor with radiusInMeters as integer type - as replacement for the deprecated constructor with radiusInMeters as double type.
HERE SDK for Android, iOS and Flutter (beta) Explore Edition (Version
- Kinetic map panning behavior was greatly improved. Now, when swiping the map moves slower which results in a more natural feel.
- Certain areas can now be excluded from route calculation with AvoidanceOptions that contain an avoidAreas list holding GeoBox items which routes should not cross.
- Added optional Suggestion.getHref() to get a direct link to discover more details. It is available when the suggestion result type is category or chain.
- Added RoadFeatures.DIFFICULT_TURNS enum value. Note that it is valid only for truck transport mode.
- Added MapError.INVALID_STATE enum value which can be raised when a map scene is in an invalid state after a MapView was destroyed.
- Added a new GeoCorridor constructor with radiusInMeters as integer type - as replacement for the deprecated constructor with radiusInMeters as double type.
HERE SDK for Android and iOS and Flutter (beta) Navigate Edition (Version
Same new features as the Lite and Explore versions.
HERE Location Services
Fleet Telematics API (Version 3.0.34)
- Waypoints Sequence now supports bicycle mode.
- Following vehicle types are now permitted: car, truck, pedestrian, bicycle.
- New toll cost feature: Hourly price cap in Oslo.
- AutoPASS owners in Oslo pay only for one toll point within an hour. Use &tollPass=AutoPass.
- Routing response's maneuver object now contains RoadName and nextRoadName.
- Activate by &maneuverAttributes=RN,NR
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