Motorola Solutions integrates HERE Venues to enhance public safety

HERE Technologies, a global leader in mapping and location platform services, has joined together with Motorola Solutions to equip public safety responders with detailed venue maps for enhanced situational awareness. Motorola Solutions’ CommandCentral Aware software, used by public safety command centers, integrates HERE Technologies’ venue maps to guide first responders to the right locations, while adapting to dynamic events in real-time.
Before entering a building, police, fire and EMS personnel can automatically access the latest authorized venue map of the building to know the best entrance and fastest route to someone in need. Venue maps also include the locations of fire extinguishers, defibrillators, and medical kits on premise for quick access.
“Emergency responders rely on real-time and accurate information for enhanced situational awareness and safety,” said Jim Leflar, Venues Marketplace manager at HERE. “We are proud to work with Motorola Solutions in providing the public safety community with a layer of real-time information that will aid in the speed and safety of first responders on duty.”
Motorola Solutions CommandCentral Aware aggregates and integrates streaming video, geospatial data, real-time alerts, resource tracking, analytics, voice, computer-aided dispatch and records information so public safety command center staff can communicate actionable intelligence to field responders.
"Public safety agencies are leveraging the real-time intelligence technology delivered by CommandCentral Aware to improve response times and achieve safer outcomes,” said Andrew Sinclair, general manager and corporate vice president at Motorola Solutions. “Adding building mapping intelligence from HERE Technologies equips command centers with better information so that they can coordinate faster, and provide more accurate responses when seconds matter."
HERE Technologies has more than 50 strategic ecosystem partners that integrate venue maps from building owners and facility operators around the world. HERE provides each building owner the rights to determine how the data is utilized and who, such as emergency responders, can access the venue map.
About HERE Technologies
HERE, the Open Location Platform company, enables people, enterprises and cities to harness the power of location. By making sense of the world through the lens of location we empower our customers to achieve better outcomes – from helping a city manage its infrastructure or an enterprise optimize its assets to guiding drivers to their destination safely. To learn more about HERE, including our new generation of cloud-based location platform services, visit and