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Developers 4 min read

Top 10 FAQs in the HERE Developer Community


The HERE developer community has grown by the hundreds in the past several months – it has been great to see more of you join the conversation, exchanging experiences with peer developers and getting your challenges solved. While hundreds of questions keep coming in, we manage to keep the average response time below 18h on average. In this blog post, I will walk you through the top 10 most asked questions from the past few months which can also help you while building with the HERE platform.

Q: How do I display HERE vector tiles in maplibre?  
A: The process is similar to using Mapbox, and we're currently working on adding a separate section for MapLibre in our documentation. 

Q: What's the difference between axleCount & trailerAxleCount when using Truck routing?  
A: Check out our documentation, specifically the vehicle section, which explains that trailerAxleCount is included in axleCount and must be less than axleCount. The trailerAxleCount parameter is used for toll calculations in specific regions. 

Q: Can I use APIs that are in maintenance mode on the HERE Platform?  
A: Any app created on can use the legacy API key, while those using the API key generated on need to migrate to the new successor APIs. 

Q: Does the offline version of HERE SDK rely on obsolete speed zone data?  
A: No, the offline and online versions use the same data. You can always update to the latest version of map data to ensure you have the latest speed data. 

Q: Can I modify the tilt and camera distance with dynamic camera behaviour?  
A: Yes, you can adjust these parameters for SpeedBaseCameraBehavior and FixedCameraBehavior. However, it may require some additional work. 

Q: Can I use the Custom Raster Layer to add points of interest with labels for both Android and the web browser?  
A: Absolutely! Custom raster layers can be used to display various data on top of vector maps. You can also consider using MapMarkers for your use case. 

Q: How can I use the EV Charge Points API with Postman? 
A: The EV charge API isn't available with the free developer plan. You need to first get in touch with the Sales team for the evaluation agreement and pricing plan. 

Q: I’m getting warning messages about deprecated services in the browser console, What should I do? 
A: These warning messages are related to the sunset of HLS services (by the end of the year) and the upgrade to services on the platform. The map rendering product that is getting retired is Tile API (H.service.MapTileService). Its successors are Vector Tile API for the normal base map and Vector Tile API, Raster Tile API for the hybrid view. If you're using either Vector Tile API and/or Raster Tile API, the messages can be ignored. They will continue to appear as a note as the API itself is sending metadata requests to these services to set up convenience options. More information on our Slack channel 

Q: How to send a sample request of Destination Weather API from the HERE platform?  
A: You can follow the documentation here and your sample request should look like this:*** 

We're excited to see the engagement and collaboration among our members, and we encourage you to join in. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, there's a place for you in the HERE Developer Community 
Thank you for being a part of it, and I look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you in the future. 

Piyush Pelagade

Piyush Pelagade

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