August/September 2019 Release Highlights

Welcome to the October 2019 release of the HERE Location Suite. This post covers updates from the last two major updates, D108 and D109, released over the past two months. Let's kick it off with D108.
Release D108
This release includes updates of: Maps API for JavaScript, Routing API, Geocoder API, Geocoder Autocomplete API, Places API, Traffic TPEG API, Fleet Telematics API, Fleet Telematics Waypoints Sequence API and HERE Tracking.
The release highlights are:
- New features in Maps API for JavaScript
- Fleet Telematics enhancements related to truck routing
- New HERE Platform Self-hosted release
You will find all API documentation on the Developer Portal.
For more detailed information about the major improvements of the HERE Location Suite Services and Products, see the sections below:
Maps API for JavaScript (Version
- We introduced gesture support for map tilting and rotation.
- The label collision for the tilted and rotated map was improved - it prevents label crowding on the horizon and label collisions when the map is rotated.
- The method getObjectsAt returns the collection of features that were stacked in the vector rendering engine.
- The way to change the scene background and the "skybox" color was added to the API.
- Added improvements to the rendering of the raster layer with the WebGL rendering engine for the pixel ratio 2.
Routing API (Version 7.2.108)
- We added support for restrictions related to truck axle count. It is now possible to define the number of axles of the truck and to calculate a route that will avoid roads on which only trucks with a limited number of axles are allowed.
Traffic TPEG API (Version
- We have switched to Flow Feeds version 3.2.2 with OLR coverage
- We have enabled session size limitation for some profiles
- We have made minor performance improvements
Fleet Telematics API (Version 3.0.22)
- Routing now considers changing vehicle weight/height/length/trailers... during a journey: Specify capacity deltas at each waypoint.
- Routing now considers preferred routes for trucks, for certain weight, dangerous goods or bicycles. Parameter "ignorePreferredRoutes" switches it off.
- Router now supports vehicle type "tractorTruck".
- Custom routing tells whether customized road geometry was considered during routing (metainfo - overlays: true)
- Routing response can contain base time and traffic time per leg
- Routing with optional/unsorted waypoints: Can now handle waypoints that are just "visit" and not pick-drop pairs.
Fleet Telematics Waypoints Sequence API (Version 3.0.22)
- Returned times are approximate values. Applications can invoke another Routing request to obtain more accurate driving times.
- For smaller geographic extents (bounding box diagonal < 30 km) now up to 70 waypoints are supported when using traffic-enabled routing.
HERE Tracking (Version 1.3.0)
- We added Aliases and Metadata APIs, which enable associating external system ids, and metadata to trackers
- Aliases API - Enables a tracker to be associated with an external system ID in a way that is neither part of the reported state of the device or the desired state
- Metadata API - Enables to store descriptive information associated to a tracker or geofence
- Added new end-point in Registry API to get Tracking license information
The following services had new releases with minor changes:
- Geocoder API (Version 6.2.189)
- Geocoder Autocomplete API (Version 6.2.189)
- Places API (Version 2.77)
HERE Platform Self-Hosted (Version Q3/2019)
- Geocoder (D107)
- Reverse Geocoder (D107)
- Geocoder Autocomplete (D107)
- Fleet Telematics Custom Locations API 2.5.19 (D108)
- Fleet Telematics Geofencing API 2.5.19 (D108)
Release D109
This release includes updates of: Maps API for JavaScript, Routing API, Fleet Telematics API, HERE Tracking API, Mobile SDKs for Android and iOS and HERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit.
This release is mainly a maintenance release.
The release highlights are:
- Support of the HERE XYZ spaces and other new features in Maps API for JavaScript
- Avoid sharp and U-turns in Fleet Telematics API
- Routing Isoline support, the ability to filter search results by country and other enhancements in new HERE Mobile SDK release
- New HERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit.
You will find all API documentation on the Developer Portal.
For more detailed information about the major improvements of the HERE Location Suite Services and Products, see the sections below:
Maps API for JavaScript (Version
- We introduced the support of the HERE XYZ spaces.
- class in the WebGL mode now allows a real 3D rendering such as a model tilt and rotation.
- It is possible now to add an elevation to the map polygons.
Fleet Telematics API (Version 3.0.23)
- Route Match now also accepts trace files in GeoJSON format
- Routing can avoid sharp turns and/or u-turns. &avoidTurns=right:80;60 for > 80 degree turns 60 second penalty &avoidTurns=uTurnAtWaypoint
HERE Android SDK
Starter Edition version 3.13:
- The SDK has been updated to work with Android 10.0
- Added support of AndroidX libraries
- Minimum supported Android API level was updated to 17
Premium Edition version 3.13:
- The SDK has been updated to work with Android 10.0
- Added support of AndroidX libraries
- Minimum supported Android API level was updated to 17
- Shared Map Service feature is deprecated
- Support of x86 emulators is deprecated
- Feature Street Level Imagery was removed
- Added support of a Routing Isoline. The Routing Isoline describes potential routes the user can take and provides a polygon indicating the maximum reach in all directions around the given start position by time or distance
- Added ability to filter search results by country
- Improved turn-by-turn navigation for trucks: from now, the map shows only truck restriction icons relevant for the vehicle type
- Added a warner that informs about restrictions for trucks on the route ahead
- Improved turn-by-turn navigation for trucks: added ability to get truck restrictions on a route during navigation
Starter Edition version 3.13:
- Added support of new Apple iOS 13 and Xcode 11
Premium Edition version 3.13:
- Added support of new Apple iOS 13 and Xcode 11
- HERE SDK is compatible with iPad OS now
- Feature Street Level Imagery was removed
- Added support of a Routing Isoline. The Routing Isoline describes potential routes the user can take and provides a polygon indicating the maximum reach in all directions around the given start position by time or distance
- Added ability to filter search results by country
- Exposed new map object for labeled MapMarker
- Improved turn-by-turn navigation for truck: from now, the map shows only truck restriction icons relevant for the vehicle type
- Added a warner that informs about restrictions for trucks on the route ahead
- Improved turn-by-turn navigation for trucks: added ability to get truck restrictions on a route during navigation
HERE Mobile SDK User Interface (UI) kit (Version 2.1.2)
This is a HERE SDK integration release.
Major changes and features:
- Integrated the HERE SDK 3.12 release
- Updated the iOS dependencies
- Updated the Android dependencies
- Added support for Android X
- Added minor translation update
- Fixed minor issues
The open-source repositories can be found here:
The detailed release notes can be found here:
The following services had new releases with minor changes:
- Routing API (Version 7.2.109)
- HERE Tracking API (Version 1.3.1)
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