How to manually copy your data from HERE Data Hub to interactive map layer
We’re excited to share the next step in the evolution of HERE Data Hub – interactive map layers as part of the Data API on the HERE platform. In this post we will walk you through manually copying your your Data Hub data.
You can create a copy of your data to test it prior to migrating your account resources. Testing your data is performed on a space-by-space basis so that you can select what data is copied. Creating a copy of your data duplicates the data, with changes occurring only in one version.
Note: Copying your data incurs additional costs and may take some time depending on the size of the copied data.
You can repeat the process of copying and testing your data to update changes from HERE Data Hub to interactive map layer (IML), but this process overrides existing features in IML. HERE Data Hub and IML identify a feature by ID, and if no ID is present, a new one is created. However, since data is being read from HERE Data Hub, all features have an existing ID. Therefore, withing IML all features with matching IDs are overwritten. Features that have only been added to IML, and do not have an ID in HERE Data Hub, remain untouched.
HERE Data Hub tokens are not supported on the HERE platform, and OAuth 2.0 tokens must be used instead. For more information on HERE platform credentials, including OAuth 2.0 tokens, see the Identity & Access Management Developer Guide.
To test your data, follow these steps:
- Install and configure the HERE Data Hub CLI.
- Install and set up your credentials for the OLP CLI.
- Look up your
here xyz list
- Download your data:
here xyz show --all ${spaceId} > ${spaceId}.geo.json
- Create a catalog and IML using either the HERE platform or the CLI. For more information on how to create catalogs and layers, see the Data API Guide.
- Upload your data to the IML you created:
olp catalog layer feature put "${catalogHrn}" "${layerId}" --data ${spaceId}.geo.json
You can alternatively perform a direct copy using a pipe character to combine requests:
here xyz show --all ${spaceId} | olp catalog layer feature put "${catalogHrn}" "${layerId}"
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