Expanding Our Self-Serve Offering: Meet the HERE Data Hub Add-On

A year and a half ago we radically changed the way we offer access to our platform and introduced our Freemium plan for developers. Since then, we have seen our community grow and embrace our location APIs as well as benefit from the generous offering to test our data and build exciting solutions! Today , I am excited to present a new addition to our pricing plan that will give you that little extra – the add-on option for advanced data storage and management with Data Hub. Now, let's explore the benefits you get with the Data Hub add-on option.
First off, our Freemium plan remains as easy to start with as before – you can get started within seconds, without entering any payment information (until you exceed the allowable limits). Since we introduced the plan in 2018 and launched our location data management service HERE Studio and HERE Data Hub (previously known as HERE XYZ) in 2019, we received feedback from our developer community that you'd like more flexibility when it comes to the API and data storage access, especially for heavy HERE Data Hub users.
The community spoke and we listened: As of today, we have added the possibility to have a HERE Data Hub specific add-on on top of Freemium that gives you all the goodies of Freemium plus additional benefits for power HERE Data Hub users. For an additional 45$ (45€) a month, developers will get:
- Data transfer per month 10GB – four times the amount compared to Freemium
- Database storage per month 10GB – twice as much as with Freemium
- Pay per additional Data transfer 100MB / 0.45€
- Pay per additional Database storage 5GB / 3€
- Data Hub advanced features
- Support via StackOverflow
If you are not familiar with the tool, HERE Data Hub is a real-time, geospatial database in the cloud where you can upload, store, edit and publish geospatial data. It offers a command line interface and an API to interact with data. You can get geodata in and out by using well-defined methods as long as they speak GeoJSON. Think sophisticated map making. The advanced features which are part of the add-on include Schema Management, Rule based tagging, Activity Log, On demand indexing, Hexbin through CLI and Virtual Spaces.
In the coming weeks and months, we will bring additional products which can be added on to the Freemium offering so developers can pick and choose what they need.
Tune in on April 1st, 2020 for the first episode of the new season of HERE Expeditions (formerly known as Explore HERE Studio) for more on HERE Studio and Data Hub – follow here for more: https://t.her.is/heredevTV.
For more updates on our plans, or to show off what you've built with HERE Data Hub, get in touch with us on Twitter @heredev. Want to connect with other HERE developers? Join our Slack space.
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