Our API and SDK Cheat Sheet: Maps, Geocoder and Search, Routing and more

Like any developer-focused company, we pride ourselves with the variety and power of our APIs and SDKs. Over 40 APIs and SDKs provide easy integration with Android and iOS map applications and web services and it's not easy to get a good overview of which API you might need for your use case.
That's why we created this cheat sheet of each of our services. We'll update this continuously as a quick guide for our developer community. Unless specifically noted, every service here is available under our Freemium plan. The use of HERE APIs and SDKs requires an API key.
Service | Description |
Maps API for JavaScript | A fully featured mapping library for JavaScript, supporting markers, routing, traffic, and custom map styling. |
Vector Tiles API | The HERE Vector Tile Service allows you to request tiles containing vector data using content from the HERE Platform. |
HERE SDK (Explore Edition) | A light-weight map renderer for the mobile platforms. Supports displaying maps, geocoding, routing, and more. Available on Android, iOS, and Flutter. |
HERE SDK (Navigate Edition) |
All the features of the Explore edition, plus additional capabilities like turn-by-turn navigation. Available on Android, iOS, and Flutter. |
Map Image API | Renders maps as static images. |
Map Tile API | Display server-rendered, raster 2D map tiles at different zoom levels, display options, views and schemes. |
Map Feedback | Allows reporting map errors and editing the maps using API calls or the Embedded Map Editor. |
Geocode API | Turn a text-based address into a precise location. |
Reverse Geocode API | Returns what can be found at a location. |
Discover API | Text-based search for POIs (Points of Interest) at or near a location. |
Browse API | Category-based search for POIs at or near a location. |
Autosuggest API | POI API built to work with client-side autosuggest fields. |
Lookup API | Returns details about one specific POI. |
Routing API | Flexible API that returns information on how to get from one point to another, supports starting times, traffic, truck restrictions and more. |
Intermodal Routing API | Offer different routes that include drive, park, bike, ride, bike or ride share, taxi and walk to a destination. Automatically account for real-time traffic, incidents, public transit timetables and historical information. |
Traffic API | Help users avoid traffic and potential delays with historical traffic data at a particular place, time of day and day of the week. |
Public Transit API | Provide the best public transit routes while highlighting walking directions to stops, pedestrian access points, station locations and transfer locations along the way. |
Truck Routing API | Deliver the most appropriate truck routes using truck-specific attributes, while taking into account applicable physical and legal restrictions. |
Large-Scale Matrix Routing API | Calculate the best routes through one or more locations, showing distances and/or ETAs from up to 10,000 origins and destinations. Get over 200,000 route responses per second for regions with diameters as big as 400 km. |
Isoline Routing API | See the areas of reach from or to a given spot based on time, distance or fuel consumption. Covers both gas and electric vehicle dynamics, as well as physical restrictions such as size, weight and height. |
Fuel Consumption API | Specify parameters (such as speed, ascent, descent and auxiliary) to calculate fuel or energy consumption for your vehicles on a given route. |
Fleet Telematics API | Get access to advanced location algorithms for fleet management use cases like geofencing, route matching, toll costs and more. |
Geofencing API | Monitor mobile assets entering or leaving a certain geographic area, of any size, anywhere in the world. |
Custom Locations API | Store, manage and retrieve any custom POI or polygon, whenever and wherever needed. |
Custom Routes API | Build custom routes considering own road restrictions and geometries including blocking of existing roads, removal of existing road blocks and adding new road geometries. |
Advanced Data Sets API | Get additional HERE Map Content, including height and slope values, curvature, speed limits and traffic lights. |
Route Matching API | Match the GPS traces to the HERE road network to get the most probable routes for your vehicles, and detect illegal maneuvers. |
Toll Costs API | Calculate the toll costs for any HERE route while taking into account various vehicle profiles, or get the cost-optimized route based on toll and vehicle costs. |
Waypoints Sequence API | Get the optimum sequence of a given set of waypoints based on time or distance traveled, or by considering the commercial value at each location. |
Fleet Connectivity API | Enable direct communication between dispatch and fleet with HERE Premium SDKs. |
Live Sense Android/iOS | Real-time detection of hazards, road signs and more using a camera-enabled edge device. Immediate or potential hazards on the road ahead can be identified to alert the driver, so they can take appropriate action. This service is not available under our Freemium plan. |
Tracking API | A fast, flexible way to add real-time and historical location to your IoT product. This service is not available under our Freemium plan. |
Positioning | Provides positioning estimates based on global Wi-Fi and Cell coverage. |
Venue Maps | Show venue maps with floor levels, connectors, access points and Places/store information. |
HERE Off-Street Parking | Display off-street parking facilities on the map with information about opening times, height restrictions, prices and real-time parking availability. |
HERE On-Street Parking | A service providing dynamic information about the likelihood of finding an available parking spot on the street (unattended curb-side parking), and applicable parking restrictions with price information. |
Fuel Prices | Show actual prices of relevant fuel types at gas stations and rank the latter based on current and statistically-modelled prices. |
EV Charging Stations | Indicate where EV charge points are, with rich content about opening hours, connector types and real-time information on connector availability. |
Destination Weather | Reports on weather conditions and forecasts. |
TPEG Traffic | Service providing real-time information about traffic incidents and traffic flow in a compressed binary format, using the TISA TPEG standard. |
HERE OTA Connect | A secure, easy-to-use SaaS platform for the automotive industry offering over-the-air updates from prototyping to production and service life. |
HERE Studio | Online tool to build interactive map with your data. |
HERE Data Hub | A cloud storage service specially targeted to geospatial data. |
For more information about these services, you can look at our main developer portal (you're already here!) and check out our extension set of documentation links for details.
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